羽場 友紀
1980 長野県生まれ,
2005 東京理科大学理工学部建築学科
2005-2012 隈研吾建築都市設計事務所
2012 moyadesign 共同主宰
Yuki Haba
1980 born in Nagano
2005 Department of Architecture Faculty of Science and Technology
Tokyo Univercity of Science
Graduate School of Science and Technology, Tokyo Univercity of Science
2005-2012 Kengo Kuma and Associates
2012 start moyadesign
*works in KKAA
One omotesando / Yien East Archipelago / SWAROVSKI CRYSTAL PALACE (Milano, Italy)
Fukui Ryotei KAIKA-TEI annex SOU-AN / Atami Hotel Project
Zhi Art Pavilion (Cheng-du, China) /NHN Chuncheon Training Institute Project(Korea)
*other works
Y-cafe (Hanoi, Vietnam) design and site supervision
1983 茨城県生まれ
2008 横浜国立大学大学院工学府建築学科
横浜国立大学大学院 Y-GSA修了
2008-2012 隈研吾建築都市設計事務所
2012 moyadesign 共同主宰
Rika Hiratsuji
1983 born in Ibaraki
2008 Graduate School of Engineering
Yokohama National Univercity
Y-GSA/Yokohama Graduate School of Architecture
2008-2012 Kengo Kuma and Associates
2012 start moyadesign
*works in KKAA
Shimonoseki-shi Kawatana Onsen Koryu Center / TCI resort project(US/Miami)
Exhibition-Kengo Kuma (US) / Tokyo Fiber Exhibition / Lake House / Chikugo Art and Culture Center
Kyoto Kokusai Hotel-Model room / Kyoto Kokusai Hotel-Steak house / NHN Chuncheon Training Institute Project(Korea)
*other works
WATARIUM Museum「Forest of KUMAGUSU」design and construction
Theater products Shop design /「 AKUMANOSHIRUSHI」Stage design and construction